Grizzly bear mauling Hugh Glass

the 200-mile route of 1823 odyssey glass

glass , rest of ashley party returned fort kiowa regroup trip west. andrew henry, ashley s partner had joined group, , along glass , several others set out overland yellowstone river. near forks of grand river, near present-day shadehill reservoir, perkins county, south dakota, while scouting game expedition larder, glass surprised , disturbed grizzly bear 2 cubs. bear charged, picked him up, bit , lacerated flesh, severely wounded him, , forced him ground. glass nevertheless managed kill bear trapping party, left badly mauled. men convinced glass not survive injuries; nevertheless, carried glass on litter 2 days, doing slowed pace of group s travel.

henry asked 2 volunteers stay glass until died , bury him. john s. fitzgerald (not confused thomas fitzpatrick, had separated henry party jedediah smith find overland trail green river country) , man later identified bridges stepped forward, , rest of party moved on, began digging grave. later, claiming interrupted attacking arikara, pair grabbed rifle, knife, , other equipment belonging glass , took flight. fitzgerald , bridges later caught party , incorrectly reported ashley glass had died. there debate whether bridges famed mountain man jim bridger.

despite injuries, glass regained consciousness, found himself abandoned, without weapons or equipment. had festering wounds, broken leg, , deep cuts on exposed bare ribs. glass lay mutilated , alone, more 200 miles (320 km) nearest american settlement, @ fort kiowa, on missouri river. glass set bone of own leg, wrapped himself in bear hide companions had placed on him shroud, , began crawling fort kiowa. prevent gangrene, glass allowed maggots eat dead, infected flesh in wounds.

using thunder butte navigational landmark, glass crawled overland south toward cheyenne river fashioned crude raft , floated downstream fort kiowa. journey took him 6 weeks. survived on wild berries , roots.


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