Bahá'í Faith Slavery and religion

bahá u lláh, founder of bahá í faith, commended queen victoria abolishing slave trade in letter written majesty between 1868-1872. bahá u lláh forbids slavery in kitáb-i-aqdas written around 1873 considered bahá ís holiest book revealed bahá u lláh in states, forbidden trade in slaves, men or women.

both báb , bahá u lláh owned slaves of african descent before writing of kitab-i-aqdas. while báb purchased several slaves, bahá u lláh acquired through inheritance , freed them. bahá u lláh officially condemned slavery in 1874. 21st century scholarship has found báb credited 1 of slaves of elders having raised him , compares him favorably own father. work has continued on other recent finds in archives such document of bahá u lláh s explaining emancipating slave because humans symbolically slaves of god none can owned saying how, then, can thrall claim himself ownership of other human being? nay,….


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