Prominent western Ukrainians with noble backgrounds Ukrainian nobility from Galicia

^ cite error: named reference hrytsak invoked never defined (see page).
^ wynar, l.; zhukovsky, a. konashevych-sahaidachny, petro . encyclopedia of ukraine. 
^ john-paul himka. (1988).galician villagers , ukrainian national movement in nineteenth century. macmillan press in association canadian institute of ukrainian studies @ university of alberta, pg. 284
^ cite error: named reference himka invoked never defined (see page).
^ cultural legacy of sacher-masoch nataliya kosmolinska , yury okhrimenko
^ cite error: named reference chornovil invoked never defined (see page).
^ denys zubrytsky, encyclopedia of ukraine (1993). volume 5. published university of toronto. article written roman senkus


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