Adding references Help:Editing

introductions: help:introduction referencing (wiki markup) , help:introduction referencing (visualeditor)

a screencast walks through essentials needed in citing sources. (2:01 min)

a screencast walks through how use various features of reftools. (5:03 min)

generally sources added directly after facts support @ end of sentence , after punctuation. wikipedia permits editors use citation system allows reader understand information came from, , encourages use of inline citations so. common methods of placing inline citations include footnotes, shortened footnotes , parenthetical references.

inline citations commonly placed inserting reference between <ref> ... </ref> tags, directly in text of article. when 1 saves, display in text footnote (e.g.), , source keyed in appear on page in collated, numbered list corresponding footnote numbers in text, wherever {{reflist}} template or <references /> tag present, in section titled references or notes . if creating new page, or adding references page didn t have any, don t forget add references section display markup.

there number of tools available citation placement , formatting, of internal tools , scripts while others available external sites. example of former, reftoolbar javascript toolbar displayed above edit box provides ability automatically fill out various citation templates , insert them in text formatting inside <ref> ... </ref> tags. example of latter, wikipedia citation tool google books converts google books address (url) filled-out {{cite book}} template ready pasted article. see help:citation tools many others.


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