Unequal justice Roman Empire

condemned man attacked leopard in arena (3rd-century mosaic tunisia)

as republican principle of citizens equality under law faded, symbolic , social privileges of upper classes led informal division of roman society had acquired greater honours (honestiores) , humbler folk (humiliores). in general, honestiores members of 3 higher orders, along military officers. granting of universal citizenship in 212 seems have increased competitive urge among upper classes have superiority on other citizens affirmed, particularly within justice system. sentencing depended on judgement of presiding official relative worth (dignitas) of defendant: honestior pay fine when convicted of crime humilior might receive scourging.

execution, had been infrequent legal penalty free men under republic in capital case, quick , relatively painless imperial citizen considered more honourable , while deemed inferior might suffer kinds of torture , prolonged death reserved slaves, such crucifixion , condemnation beasts spectacle in arena. in empire, converted christianity lose standing honestiores, if declined fulfil religious aspects of civic responsibilities, , became subject punishments created conditions of martyrdom.


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