Uganda HIV/AIDS in Africa

uganda has registered gradual decrease in hiv rates 10.6 percent in 1997, stabilized 6.5-7.2 percent since 2001. has been attributed changing local behavioral patterns, more respondents reporting greater use of contraceptives , two-year delay in first sexual activity fewer people reporting casual sexual encounters , multiple partners.

the number of newly infected people per year, however, has increased on 50 percent, 99,000 in 2001 150,000 in 2011. more 40 percent of new infections among married couples, indicating widespread , increasing infidelity. increase has caused alarm. director of centre disease control – uganda, wuhib tadesse, said in 2011 that,

for every person started on antiretroviral therapy, there 3 new hiv infections[,] , unsustainable. ... concerned. ... [c]omplacence part of problem. young people nowadays no longer see people dying; see people on arvs getting children. need re-examine our strategies.... leaders @ levels spending ... [more] time in workshops in communities sensitive people[,] , must stop.


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