Geology Wuyi Mountains

the yunnu hill, symbol of wuyi mountains.

the region part of cathaysian fold system , has experienced high volcanic activity , formation of large fault structures, subsequently subject erosion water , weathering. landscape characterized beautiful winding river valleys flanked columnar or dome-shaped cliffs cave systems. peaks in western portion of wuyi mountains typically consist of volcanic or plutonic rocks, whereas peaks , hills in eastern area made of red sandstone (particularly in east) steep slopes flat tops (danxia landform). nine-bend river (jiuqu xi), 60 kilometers in length, meanders in deep gorge among these hills. bedrock lithology @ wuyi shan dominated tuff, rhyolite, , granite in western part. red sandstone common farther east.

the elevation ranges 200 m (656 ft) 2,158 m (7,080 ft). terrain rugged cliffs , high peaks.


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