Equipment Finnish Navy

hamina-class fast attack craft pori, commissioned in 2006, newest fast attack craft of finnish navy

hämeenmaa-class minelayer uusimaa post-refit

jehu class, newest vessel class of finnish navy


fast attack craft

four hamina-class fast attack craft
four rauma-class fast attack craft (temporarily out of use; see above)

mine warfare

two hämeenmaa-class minelayers/escort ships
three pansio-class minelayers (one undergoing renovation of 2015)
three katanpää-class mine countermeasure vessels
three kuha-class minesweepers
six kiiski-class minesweepers

coastal forces

coastal forces include both coastal infantry , marines (coastal jaegers) remnants of coastal artillery units, have moved fixed , towed guns truck-mounted , infantry-carried anti-ship missiles. towed guns being phased out obsolete , artillery-based coastal defences retired in near future.

spike-er coastal missiles (infantry carried)
mto-85m anti-ship missiles, truck mounted (saab rbs-15sf)
coastal artillery, both fixed (130 53 tk) , mobile (130 k 54 , 130 k 90-60)
bor-a 550 ground , coastal surveillance radar (gsr)

the euro-spike coastal missile system taken use in 2005 @ uusimaa brigade , older truck-mounted rbs-15 missiles have been complemented new, upgraded rbs-15 mk.3 (known mto-85m).


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