Law Papua New Guinea

the parliament building of papua new guinea in port moresby

the unicameral parliament enacts legislation in same manner in other jurisdictions have cabinet, responsible government, or parliamentary democracy : introduced executive government legislature, debated and, if passed, becomes law when receives royal assent governor-general. legislation regulation implemented bureaucracy under enabling legislation passed parliament.

all ordinary statutes enacted parliament must consistent constitution. courts have jurisdiction rule on constitutionality of statutes, both in disputes before them , on reference there no dispute abstract question of law. unusual among developing countries, judicial branch of government in papua new guinea has remained remarkably independent, , successive executive governments have continued respect authority.

the underlying law (papua new guinea s common law) consists of principles , rules of common law , equity in england common law stood on 16 september 1975 (the date of independence), , thereafter decisions of png s own courts. courts directed constitution and, latterly, underlying law act, take note of custom of traditional communities. determine customs common whole country , may declared part of underlying law. in practice, has proved extremely difficult , has been largely neglected. statutes largely adapted overseas jurisdictions, australia , england. advocacy in courts follows adversarial pattern of other common-law countries.

this national court system, used in towns , cities, supported village court system in more remote areas. law underpinning village courts customary law .


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