Opposition to immigration by country or region Opposition to immigration
1 opposition immigration country or region
1.1 australia
1.2 europe
1.2.1 germany
1.2.2 spain
1.2.3 portugal
1.2.4 united kingdom
1.3 asia
1.3.1 india
1.3.2 japan
1.4 americas
1.4.1 costa rica
1.4.2 mexico
1.4.3 united states labor unions
1.5 africa
1.5.1 south africa
opposition immigration country or region
pauline hanson, in maiden speech in 1996, said australia in danger of being swamped asians .
the impact of europeans profoundly disruptive aboriginal life and, though extent of violence debated, there considerable conflict on frontier. @ same time, settlers quite aware usurping aborigines place in australia. in 1845, settler charles griffiths sought justify this, writing; question comes this; has better right – savage, born in country, runs on can scarcely said occupy ... or civilized man, comes introduce ... unproductive country, industry supports life. many events illustrate violence , resistance aborigines sought protect lands invasion , settlers , pastoralists attempted establish presence. in may 1804, @ risdon cove, van diemen s land, perhaps 60 aborigines killed when approached town.
a sparsely-populated continental nation predominantly european population, australia has long feared being overwhelmed heavily populated asian countries north. standard policy after 1900 white australia encouraged immigration britain, suspicious of immigrants germany , elsewhere in europe, , quite hostile immigrants asia or pacific islands. after world war ii, australians agreed country must populate or perish . immigration brought people traditional sources such british isles along with, first time, large numbers of southern , central europeans. abolition of so-called white australia policy during 1970s led significant increase in immigration asian , other non-european countries.
prime minister john curtin supported white australia policy, saying country shall remain forever home of descendants of people came here in peace in order establish in south seas outpost of british race.
prime minister stanley bruce supporter of white australia policy, , made issue in campaign 1925 australian federal election.
it necessary should determine ideals towards every australian desire strive. think ideals might stated being secure our national safety, , ensure maintenance of our white australia policy continue integral portion of british empire. intend keep country white , not allow people faced problems @ present practically insoluble in many parts of world.
an other (alp) leader of labor party 1960-1967 arthur calwell supported white european australia policy. reflected calwell s comments in 1972 memoirs, , fear not, in made clear maintained view non-european people should not allowed settle in australia. wrote:
i proud of white skin, chinese proud of yellow skin, japanese of brown skin, , indians of various hues black coffee-coloured. not proud of race not man @ all. , man tries stigmatize australian community racist because want preserve country white race doing our nation great harm... reject, in conscience, idea australia should or ever can become multi-racial society , survive.
it high-profile historian geoffrey blainey, however, first achieved mainstream recognition anti-multiculturalist cause when wrote multiculturalism threatened transform australia cluster of tribes . in 1984 book australia, blainey criticised multiculturalism tending emphasise rights of ethnic minorities @ expense of majority of australians , tending anti-british , though people united kingdom , ireland form dominant class of pre-war immigrants , largest single group of post-war immigrants.
according blainey, such policy, emphasis on different , on rights of new minority rather old majority, unnecessarily creating division , threatened national cohesion. argued evidence clear many multicultural societies have failed , human cost of failure has been high , warned should think perils of converting australia giant multicultural laboratory assumed benefit of peoples of world.
in 1 of numerous criticisms of multiculturalism, blainey wrote:
for millions of australians have no other nation fall upon, multiculturalism insult. divisive. threatens social cohesion. could, in long-term, endanger australia s military security because sets enclaves in crisis appeal own homelands help.
blainey remained persistent critic of multiculturalism 1990s, denouncing multiculturalism morally, intellectually , economically ... sham .
in 1996 election pauline hanson elected federal seat of oxley. in controversial maiden speech house of representatives, expressed belief australia in danger of being swamped asians . hanson went on form 1 nation party, won 1 quarter of vote in queensland state elections before entering period of decline due internal disputes. name 1 nation meant signify national unity, in contrast hanson claimed see increasing division in australian society caused government policies favouring migrants (multiculturalism) , indigenous australians.
some australians reacted angrily 1 nation, hanson subjected water balloons filled urine @ public speeches, ridiculed in media, , received many death threats filmed good-bye video in case of assassination. imprisoned government on political corruption charges, dropped after imprisonment. in recent years rise of other anti-immigrant parties such australian liberty alliance , groups such united patriot front indicates anti-immigration sentiment may becoming mainstream.
opposition high levels of legal immigration has been associated right-wing parties in eu. issue flared european migrant crisis in 2015 large numbers of refugees middle east , africa making dangerous trips europe , many deaths en route. high levels of unemployment , partly unassimilated non-european immigrant populations within eu, parties opposed immigration have improved position in polls , elections. right-wing parties critical immigration have entered government in austria, denmark, italy, netherlands, norway, poland , slovakia, , have become major factors in english, swedish, german , french politics.
immigration 1 of central political issues in many european countries, , increasingly @ european union level. anti-immigration perspective predominantly nationalist, cultural , economic. new index measuring level of perceived threat immigrants has been proposed , applied data set covering 47 european countries , regions. results show malta , cyprus have strongest perception of socio-economic threat immigrants, followed austria, great britain (in particular england), northern ireland , hungary, , countries/regions weakest perception of threat armenia, sweden, romania , northern cyprus. european nationalists see unassimilated immigrants threatening historic cultures , violation of rights of land own peoples. fears compounded fact many immigrants in western europe poor, working class muslims middle east , northern africa. prominent european opponents of immigration include jean-marie le pen, thilo sarrazin, fjordman, late jörg haider , assassinated pim fortuyn. in france, national front opposes immigration. in 1988 elections, 75% of supporters of leader jean-marie le pen believed france has many immigrants (as opposed 35% of voters.)
a january 2004 survey spanish newspaper el país showed majority of spaniards believe immigration high. small neo-fascist parties, such movimiento social español, openly campaign using nationalist or anti-immigrant rhetoric other small far-right parties such national democracy (spain) , españa 2000. these parties have never won national or regional parliamentary seats. more government has recognized positive economic contributions of immigration , has provided permanent channels social integration of illegal immigrants.
portugal had little immigration until sudden influx in 1970s, ex-colonists returned. today there lisbon-born africans. rural areas have begun see many new arrivals. country has 1 far-right party supports curbs in immigration. resident of portuguese-speaking country free live , work in portugal, , vice versa. in recent years, growth of portuguese far-right national renewal party , known pnr, has targeted immigration , ethnic minorities issues after years of growing support—0.09% 4,712 2002, 0.16% 9,374 2005, 0.20% 11,503 2009, 0.31% 17,548 2011—managed 0.50% 27,269 of electorate in 2015
united kingdom
in uk british national party made opposition immigration 1 of central policies in 2010 general election. anti-mass-immigration party, ukip, have proposed setting migration control commission, tasked bringing down net migration. conservative party pledged bring immigration eu , rest of world down tens of thousands , range of welfare restrictions , housing restrictions.
the vote uk leave eu successful in britain, number of commentators suggesting populist concern on immigration eu major feature of public debate. british prime minister david cameron resigned on vote. in 2006, cameron dismissed ukip supporters fruitcakes, loonies , closet racists, though later conceded hold vote on leaving eu, due in part conservative party losing votes ukip.
the current prime minister theresa may introduced immigration skills charge in april 2017, on companies employ skilled non-eu immigrants, of £1000 per immigrant employee; small or charitable organizations pay reduced amount of £364. money used fund apprenticeships , skills training people uk , eu. in 2017 uk general election manifesto, prime minister promised double immigration skills charge £2000 per employee, if re-elected. eu law prevents charge being applied in relation immigrants eu (or limiting apprenticeships people uk); prime minister has promised after brexit there restrictions on migration eu.
india has anti-immigrant parties @ state level. common anti-immigrant parties there in state of maharashtra, 2 main anti-immigrant parties shiv sena , maharashtra navnirman sena. both parties share idea of migrants north india stealing jobs native marathi people in maharashtra. have history of attacking immigrants, accuse of being involved in crimes around mumbai. shiv sena has history of threatening pakistani cricket team coming mumbai , threatening australian cricket players in indian premier league cricket competition following racist attacks on india students in australia in 2009.
even in last few decades, there has been rise in anti-immigrant attitudes in north east indian states assam, has received illegal immigrants neighboring bangladesh. riots have occurred between native tribes of assam hindus , illegal immigrants bangladesh, predominantly muslims.
the movement japanese cultural isolation, sakoku (鎖 国), arose in edo period japan, in response strong influence of western culture, slavery in portugal. study of (ancient) japanese literature , culture called kokugaku (国 学, country study ).
as of there has been push increase immigration due country s faltering economy.
costa rica
anti-immigrant feelings date late 19th century , 20th century country s first waves of migrations places china, lebanon , poland. non-polish european migration dates practically independence spain received. polish migration jewish backlash due anti-semitism. records of time show chinese migrants affected prejudice government official , first anti-chinese laws enacted far 1910s. in 1903 president ascensión esquivel ibarra enacted 1 of first decrees forbidding non-white immigration , explicitly staying migration asians, blacks, gypsies, arabs , turks not allowed. although laws common in latin america @ time, , costa rica’s government became lead force in abolishment.
polish, chinese , lebanese migrants integrate costa rican society time point many prominent costa ricans industry, politics, arts, academy, etc. of descents. latin american migrants became next source of mistrust , opposition, nicaraguan , colombian migrants. during second half of 20th century , date costa rica receives numerous waves of latin american migrants region, nicaraguans far higher group among immigrant population encompassing 74.6% of immigrant population, followed colombians , americans (immigrants in general 9% of population) making ethnic nicaraguans , binational nicaraguan-costa rican citizens 1 of notorious ethnic minorities in costa rica outnumbering other groups african-costa ricans. caused debate in country voices claiming harder regulations , border control. issue 1 of main topics of 2002 s political campaign, , again important 2018 s campaign right-wing politicians otto guevara quoting donald trump inspiration , calling harsher migratory laws , eliminating citizenship birth in constitution. migration law reform globally in 2005 hardening of requirements entering, staying , working on country criticized excessive, further reforms, last 1 in 2009, reduce of impact of more controversial parts of law.
in mexico, during first 8 months of 2005, more 120,000 people central america deported countries of origin. higher number people deported in same period in 2002, when 1 person deported in entire year. many women countries in commonwealth of independent states (most of former ussr), asia , central , south america offered jobs @ table dance establishments in large cities throughout country, causing national institute of migration (inm) in mexico raid strip clubs , deport foreigners work without proper documentation.
mexico has strict laws pertaining both illegal , legal immigrants. mexican constitution restricts non-citizens or foreign-born persons participating in politics, holding office, acting member of clergy, or serving on crews of mexican-flagged ships or airplanes. legal rights waived, such right deportation hearing or other legal motions. in cases of flagrante delicto, person may make citizen s arrest on offender , accomplices, turning them on without delay nearest authorities.
many immigration restrictionists in united states have accused mexican government of hypocrisy in immigration policy, noting while government of mexico , mexican americans demanding looser immigration laws in united states , oppose 2010 arizona immigration bill, @ same time mexico imposing tighter restrictions on immigration mexico central america , other places arizona law.
united states
donald trump campaigned president in 2016 promising build wall on border of mexico , united states centerpiece of immigration plan .
anti-illegal immigrant car sticker in colorado
in countries majority of population of immigrant descent, such united states, opposition immigration takes form of nativism.
in united states, opposition immigration has long history, starting in late 1790s, in reaction influx of political refugees france , ireland. alien , sedition acts of 1798 restricted rights of immigrants. nativism first gained name , affected politics in mid-19th century united states because of large inflows of immigrants cultures markedly different existing protestant culture. nativists objected roman catholics, irish americans. nativist movements included american party of mid-19th century (formed members of know-nothing movement), immigration restriction league of 20th century, , anti-asian movements in west, resulting in chinese exclusion act , so-called gentlemen s agreement aimed @ japanese. major restrictions became law in 1920s , sharply cut inflow until 1965, when ended. federal government took charge of finding , deporting illegal aliens, still does.
immigration again became major issue 1990s onward, burgeoning illegal immigration, particularly mexicans crossing southern border, , others overstayed visitor visas.the immigration reform , control act of 1986 provided amnesty described amnesty end amnesties had no lasting impact on flow of illegal immigrants.
by 2014, tea party movement narrowed focus away economic issues, spending , obamacare president barack obama s immigration policies. see immigration policies threatening transform american society. tried failed defeat leading republicans supported immigration programs, such senator john mccain. typical slogan appeared in tea party tribune: “amnesty millions, tyranny all.” new york times reported:
what started 5 years ago groundswell of conservatives committed curtailing reach of federal government, cutting deficit , countering wall street wing of republican party has become movement largely against immigration overhaul. politicians, intellectual leaders , activists consider part of tea party movement have redirected energy fiscal austerity , small government stopping changes legitimize people here illegally, either through granting them citizenship or legal status.
as of 2014, there on 42.4 million immigrants living in united states. 13.3% of entire united states population @ time.
labor unions
the american federation of labor (afl), coalition of labor unions formed in 1880s, vigorously opposed unrestricted immigration europe moral, cultural, , racial reasons. issue unified workers feared influx of new workers flood labor market , lower wages. nativism not factor because upwards of half union members immigrants or sons of immigrants ireland, germany , britain. however, nativism factor when afl more strenuously opposed immigration asia because represented (to euro-american members) alien culture not assimilated american society. afl intensified opposition after 1906 , instrumental in passing immigration restriction bills 1890s 1920s, such 1921 emergency quota act , immigration act of 1924, , seeing strictly enforced.
mink (1986) concludes link between afl , democratic party rested in part on immigration issues, noting large corporations, supported republicans, wanted more immigration augment labor force.
united farm workers during cesar chavez tenure committed restricting immigration. chavez , dolores huerta, cofounder , president of ufw, fought bracero program existed 1942 1964. opposition stemmed belief program undermined u.s. workers , exploited migrant workers. since bracero program ensured constant supply of cheap immigrant labor growers, immigrants not protest infringement of rights, lest fired , replaced. efforts contributed congress ending bracero program in 1964. in 1973, ufw 1 of first labor unions oppose proposed employer sanctions have prohibited hiring illegal immigrants.
on few occasions, concerns illegal immigrant labor undermine ufw strike campaigns led number of controversial events, ufw describes anti-strikebreaking events, have been interpreted being anti-immigrant. in 1969, chavez , members of ufw marched through imperial , coachella valleys border of mexico protest growers use of illegal immigrants strikebreakers. joining him on march reverend ralph abernathy , u.s. senator walter mondale. in years, ufw , chavez went far report illegal immigrants served strikebreaking replacement workers (as refused unionize) immigration , naturalization service.
in 1973, united farm workers set wet line along united states-mexico border prevent mexican immigrants entering united states illegally , potentially undermining ufw s unionization efforts. during 1 such event, in chavez not involved, ufw members, under guidance of chavez s cousin manuel, physically attacked strikebreakers after peaceful attempts persuade them not cross border failed.
bernie sanders opposes guest worker programs , skeptical skilled immigrant (h-1b) visas, saying, last year, top 10 employers of h-1b guest workers offshore outsourcing companies. these firms responsible shipping large numbers of american information technology jobs india , other countries. in interview vox stated opposition open borders immigration policy, describing as:
...a right-wing proposal, says there no united states...you re doing away concept of nation-state. right-wing people in country love open-border policy. bring in kinds of people, work $2 or $3 hour, great them. don’t believe in that. think have raise wages in country, think have can create millions of jobs.
south africa
several periods of violent riots against migrants have occurred in south africa in past decade, resulting in fatalities. countries migrants targeted originated include malawi, mozambique , zimbabwe.
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