Performing arts Roman Empire

in roman tradition, borrowed greeks, literary theatre performed all-male troupes used face masks exaggerated facial expressions allowed audiences see how character feeling. such masks specific particular role, , actor play multiple roles merely switching masks. female roles played men in drag (travesti). roman literary theatre tradition particularly represented in latin literature tragedies of seneca. circumstances under seneca s tragedies performed unclear; scholarly conjectures range minimally staged readings full production pageants. more popular literary theatre genre-defying mimus theatre, featured scripted scenarios free improvisation, risqué language , jokes, sex scenes, action sequences, , political satire, along dance numbers, juggling, acrobatics, tightrope walking, striptease, , dancing bears. unlike literary theatre, mimus played without masks, , encouraged stylistic realism in acting. female roles performed women, not men. mimus related genre called pantomimus, form of story ballet contained no spoken dialogue. pantomimus combined expressive dancing, instrumental music , sung libretto, mythological, either tragic or comic.

all-male theatrical troupe preparing masked performance, on mosaic house of tragic poet

although regarded foreign elements in roman culture, music , dance had existed in rome earliest times. music customary @ funerals, , tibia (greek aulos), woodwind instrument, played @ sacrifices ward off ill influences. song (carmen) integral part of every social occasion. secular ode of horace, commissioned augustus, performed publicly in 17 bc mixed children s choir. music thought reflect orderliness of cosmos, , associated particularly mathematics , knowledge.

various woodwinds , brass instruments played, stringed instruments such cithara, , percussion. cornu, long tubular metal wind instrument curved around musician s body, used military signals , on parade. these instruments found in parts of empire did not originate, , indicate music among aspects of roman culture spread throughout provinces. instruments depicted in roman art.

the hydraulic pipe organ (hydraulis) 1 of significant technical , musical achievements of antiquity , , accompanied gladiator games , events in amphitheatre, stage performances. among instruments emperor nero played.

although forms of dance disapproved of @ times non-roman or unmanly, dancing embedded in religious rituals of archaic rome, such of dancing armed salian priests , of arval brothers, priesthoods underwent revival during principate. ecstatic dancing feature of international mystery religions, particularly cult of cybele practised eunuch priests galli , of isis. in secular realm, dancing girls syria , cadiz extremely popular.

like gladiators, entertainers infames in eyes of law, little better slaves if technically free. stars , however, enjoy considerable wealth , celebrity, , mingled socially , sexually upper classes, including emperors. performers supported each other forming guilds, , several memorials members of theatre community survive. theatre , dance condemned christian polemicists in later empire, , christians integrated dance traditions , music worship practices regarded church fathers shockingly pagan. st. augustine supposed have said bringing clowns, actors, , dancers house inviting in gang of unclean spirits.


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