Infantry G.C3.A5.E2.80.93P.C3.A5 Caroleans

general stenbock, gadebusch 1712

caroleans launching gå–på–method on saxons in düna, 1701.

the gå–på–method (literally go-on ) specialized on shock tactics , standard combat technique used in swedish army @ time. aggressive tactic resulted in short-lived battles, in order counter superior numbers of enemies.

according 1694 , 1701 regulations, infantry attack operates follows: in 4 ranks gaps, swedish battalion march smoothly , towards enemy lines, braving enemy fire started @ distance of approximately 100 meters. swedish soldiers told not fire until see whites in enemies eyes – range of 50 meters. when marching drums stopped 2 rear ranks fill gaps within 2 foremost ranks , fire salvo, draw swords. 2 rear ranks move previous position , 2 foremost ranks close gaps in line, after battalion resume attack. 2 foremost ranks discharge muskets in final volley when within range charge - range of 20 meters. draw swords , charge enemy, taking advantage of demoralizing , lethal effect of close range volley.

at range, powerful muskets felled many enemy troops, highly demoralizing them. directly after volley swedes charged enemy ranks pikes, bayonets , rapiers. note pikes used offensive weapon: in close combat had advantage on foes weapons longer reach. complete ranks of enemies ran before physical contact, frightened long pikes , fact morale of swedish battalion calmly withstand fire.

modifications through war

this method changed during course of great northern war. slow march replaced running in order take fewer casualties , begin combat sooner, while still frightening enemy courage of swift, unflinching advance enemy fire. firing distance reduced 50 metres 15 20 meters first volley of rear ranks—who no longer fall previous position behind front ranks, instead follow in gaps within. result, battalion attacked in 2 filled ranks, made final charge more effective carolean troops closely packed together, delivering heavy impact.

another change battalion more support artillery pieces, notably in battle of gadebusch new set of swedish artillery inventions saw action.

analysis of method

close coordination between artillery , infantry artillery move forward reinforce infantry during attack.

the cavalry foremost weapon of army, thrust rapiers ride knee behind knee, resulted in extreme clustered formations, in addition attacked in fastest possible speed.

as musketeers during period fired platoon, rank or together, necessary entire group stop , reload. during reload—which took 1–2 minutes finish—an opponent calmly march 80 meters , run 150 meters (in 1 minute). meant first side fire made vulnerable target incoming enemy line. gå–på–method took advantage of these simple mathematics. caroleans march calmly , steadily close gap during enemy reload, before firing @ closer more effective range.


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