Christianity Religious violence

i believe in sword , almighty god (1914) boardman robinson.

before 11th century, christians had not developed doctrine of holy war , whereby fighting might considered penitential , spiritually meritorious act. throughout middle ages, force not used propagate religion. first 3 centuries of christianity, church taught pacifism of jesus , notable church fathers such justin martyr, tertullian, origen, , cyprian of carthage went far arguing against joining military or using form of violence against aggressors. in 4th century, st. augustine developed war concept, whereby limited uses of war considered acceptable in order preserve peace , retain orthodoxy if waged: defensive purposes, ordered authority, had honorable intentions, , produced minimal harm. however, criteria used developed roman thinkers in past , augustine s perspective not based on new testament. st. augustine s war concept accepted, however, warfare not regarded virtuous in way. expression of concern salvation of killed enemies in battle, regardless of cause fought, common. in medieval period began after fall of rome, there increases in level of violence due political instability. 11th century, church condemned violence , warring introducing: peace of god prohibited attacks on clergy, pilgrims, townspeople, peasants , property; truce of god banned warfare on sundays, fridays, lent, , easter; , imposed heavy penances on soldiers killing , injuring others because believed shedding of other people s blood same shedding blood of christ.

during 9th , 10th centuries, multiple invasions occurred in regions in europe , these invasions lead them form own armies in order defend , 11th century, lead emergence of crusades, concept of holy war , , terminology such enemies of god . time of crusades, despite violence during period, majority of christians not active participants more victims , groups franciscans established used nonviolent means peacefully dialogue muslims.

today relationship between christianity , violence subject of controversy because 1 view advocates belief christianity advocates peace, love , compassion while has resorted violence in instances. peace, compassion , forgiveness of wrongs done others key elements of christian teaching. however, christians have struggled since days of church fathers question of when use of force justified (e.g. war theory of saint augustine). such debates have led concepts such war theory. throughout history, teachings old testament, new testament , christian theology have been used justify use of force against heretics, sinners , external enemies. heitman , hagan identify inquisitions, crusades, wars of religion, , antisemitism being among notorious examples of christian violence . list, mennonite theologian j. denny weaver adds warrior popes, support of capital punishment, corporal punishment under guise of spare rod spoil child, justifications of slavery, world-wide colonialism under guise of converting people christianity, systemic violence against women subjected rule of men . weaver employs broader definition of violence extends meaning of word cover harm or damage , not physical violence per se. thus, under definition, christian violence includes forms of systemic violence such poverty, racism, , sexism .

christian theologians point strong doctrinal , historical imperative against violence exists within christianity, particularly jesus sermon on mount, taught nonviolence , love of enemies . example, weaver asserts jesus pacifism preserved in justifiable war doctrine declares war sin when declared necessary evil, , in prohibition of fighting monastics , clergy in persistent tradition of christian pacifism .

between 1420 , 1431 hussite heretics fended off 5 anti-hussite crusades ordered pope.

many authors highlight ironical contradiction between christianity s claims centered on love , peace while, @ same time, harboring violent side . example, mark juergensmeyer argues: despite central tenets of love , peace, christianity—like traditions—has had violent side. bloody history of tradition has provided images disturbing provided islam or sikhism, , violent conflict vividly portrayed in bible. history , these biblical images have provided raw material theologically justifying violence of contemporary christian groups. example, attacks on abortion clinics have been viewed not assaults on practice christians regard immoral, skirmishes in grand confrontation between forces of evil , has social , political implications. , referred spiritual warfare. statement attributed jesus come not bring peace, bring sword has been interpreted call arms christians.

maurice bloch argues christian faith fosters violence because christian faith religion, , religions nature violent; moreover, argues religion , politics 2 sides of same coin—power. others have argued religion , exercise of force intertwined, religion may pacify, channel , heighten violent impulses

forward god! (1915) boardman robinson.

in response criticism christianity , violence intertwined, christian apologists such miroslav volf , j. denny weaver reject charges christianity violent religion, arguing aspects of christianity might misused support violence genuine interpretation of core elements not sanction human violence instead resist it. among examples commonly used argue christianity violent religion, j. denny weaver lists (the) crusades, multiple blessings of wars, warrior popes, support capital punishment, corporal punishment under guise of spare rod , spoil child, justifications of slavery, world-wide colonialism in name of conversion christianity, systemic violence of women subjected men . weaver characterizes counter-argument focusing on jesus, beginning point of christian faith,... sermon on mount taught nonviolence , love of enemies,; faced accusers nonviolent death;whose nonviolent teaching inspired first centuries of pacifist christian history , subsequently preserved in justifiable war doctrine declares war sin when declaring necessary evil, , in prohibition of fighting monastics , clergy in persistent tradition of christian pacifism.

miroslav volf acknowledges many contemporaries see religion pernicious social ill needs aggressive treatment rather medicine cure expected. however, volf contests claim (the) christian faith, 1 of major world religions, predominantly fosters violence. instead of negative assessment, volf argues christianity should seen contributor more peaceful social environments . volf examines question of whether christianity fosters violence, , has identified 4 main arguments does: religion nature violent, occurs when people try act soldiers of god ; monotheism entails violence, because claim of universal truth divides people versus them ; creation, in book of genesis, act of violence; , intervention of new creation , in second coming, generates violence. writing latter, volf says: beginning @ least constantine s conversion, followers of crucified have perpetrated gruesome acts of violence under sign of cross. on centuries, seasons of lent , holy week were, jews, times of fear , trepidation; christians have perpetrated of worst pogroms remembered crucifixion of christ, blamed jews. muslims associate cross violence; crusaders rampages undertaken under sign of cross. in each case, volf concluded christian faith misused in justifying violence. volf argues thin readings of christianity might used mischievously support use of violence. counters, however, asserting thick readings of christianity s core elements not sanction human violence , would, in fact, resist it.

volf asserts christian churches suffer confusion of loyalties . asserts rather character of christian faith itself, better explanation of why christian churches either impotent in face of violent conflicts or actively participate in them derives proclivities of adherents @ odds character of christian faith. volf observes (although) explicitly giving ultimate allegiance gospel of jesus christ, many christians in fact seem have overriding commitment respective cultures , ethnic groups.


mormonism had history of violence. began religious persecution on mormons respected citizens, law enforcement, , government officials. such persecution lead several historically well-known acts of violence. these range attacks on mormons, such haun s mill massacre following mormon extermination order 1 of controversial , well-known cases of retaliation violence, mountain meadows massacre. result of unprovoked response religious persecution whereby innocent party traveling through mormon occupied territory attacked on september 11, 1857.


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