Production CS gas
preparation of cs
clc6h4cho + h2c(cn)2 → clc6h4chc(cn)2 + h2o
the reaction catalysed weak base piperidine or pyridine. production method has not changed since substance discovered corson , stoughton. other bases, solvent free methods , microwave promotion have been suggested improve production of substance.
the physiological properties had been discovered chemists first synthesising compound in 1928: physiological properties. of these dinitriles have effect of sneeze , tear gases. harmless when wet handle dry powder disastrous.
use aerosol
as 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile solid @ room temperature, not gas, variety of techniques have been used make solid usable aerosol:
melted , sprayed in molten form.
dissolved in organic solvent.
cs2 dry powder (cs2 siliconized, micro-pulverized form of cs).
cs thermal grenades generation of hot gases.
in waco siege, cs dissolved in organic solvent dichloromethane (also known methylene chloride). solution dispersed aerosol via explosive force , when highly volatile dichloromethane evaporated, cs crystals precipitated , formed fine dispersion in air.
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