Freedmen Roman Empire
cinerary urn freedman tiberius claudius chryseros , 2 women, wife , daughter
rome differed greek city-states in allowing freed slaves become citizens. after manumission, slave had belonged roman citizen enjoyed not passive freedom ownership, active political freedom (libertas), including right vote. slave had acquired libertas libertus ( freed person, feminine liberta) in relation former master, became patron (patronus): 2 parties continued have customary , legal obligations each other. social class generally, freed slaves libertini, though later writers used terms libertus , libertinus interchangeably.
a libertinus not entitled hold public office or highest state priesthoods, play priestly role in cult of emperor. not marry woman family of senatorial rank, nor achieve legitimate senatorial rank himself, during empire, freedmen held key positions in government bureaucracy, so hadrian limited participation law. future children of freedman born free, full rights of citizenship.
the rise of successful freedmen—through either political influence in imperial service, or wealth—is characteristic of imperial society. prosperity of high-achieving group of freedmen attested inscriptions throughout empire, , ownership of of lavish houses @ pompeii, such house of vettii. excesses of nouveau riche freedmen satirized in character of trimalchio in satyricon petronius, wrote in time of nero. such individuals, while exceptional, indicative of upward social mobility possible in empire.
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