Demographics Columbus, Georgia

map of racial distribution in columbus, 2010 u.s. census. each dot 25 people: white, black, asian, hispanic or other (yellow)

satellite image of columbus

as of 2010 u.s. census, columbus had total population of 189,885, 186,291 in 2000 census. 2010 census reported 189,885 people, 72,124 households, , 47,686 families residing in city. population density 861.4 people per square mile (332.6/km). there 82,690 housing units @ average density of 352.3 per square mile (136.0/km). racial makeup of city 46.3% white, 45.5% african american, 2.2% asian, 0.2% native american, 0.14% pacific islander, , 1.90% other races. hispanic or latino of race 6.4% of population.

there 69,819 households out of 34.6% had children under age of 18 living them, 44.7% married couples living together, 19.6% had female householder no husband present, , 31.7% non-families. 26.7% of households made of individuals , 9.4% had living alone 65 years of age or older. average household size 2.54 , average family size 3.08.

in city, population spread out 25.6% under age of 18, 11.9% 18 24, 29.8% 25 44, 19.7% 45 64, , 11.6% 65 years of age or older. median age 33 years. every 100 females there 94.7 males. every 100 females age 18 , over, there 91.6 males.

the median income household in city $41,331, , 2000 median income family 41,244. males had median income of $30,238 versus $24,336 females. per capita income city $22,514. 12.8% of families , 15.7% of population below poverty line, including 22.0% of under age 18 , 12.1% of age 65 or over.


columbus contains approximately 200 christian churches, southern baptist convention being largest denomination number of churches. columbus home 3 kingdom halls jehovah s witnesses, , 1 greek orthodox church. other religions represented 2 synagogues, 3 mosques, 2 seventh-day adventist churches, , hindu temple, latter 2 reflecting increasing number of immigrants in region southeast asia.


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