Political history History of Styria
1 political history
1.1 prehistory charlemagne
1.2 middle ages
1.3 modern era
political history
prehistory charlemagne
the roman history of styria part of noricum , pannonia, romanized celtic population of taurisci. during great migrations, various germanic tribes settled and/or traversed region using river valleys , low passes, 600 ce slavs took possession of area , settled assimilating remaining autochthonous romanized population.
when styria came under hegemony of charlemagne part of carantania (carinthia), erected border territory against avars , slavs, there large influx of bavarii , other christianized germanic peoples, whom bishops of salzburg , patriarchs of aquileia kept faithful rome. bishop vergilius of salzburg (745-84), largely instrumental in establishing church hierarchy in duchy , gained himself name of apostle of carantania. in 811 charlemagne made drave river boundary between dioceses of salzburg , aquileia.
middle ages
the march of styria created in duchy of carinthia in late 10th century defence against magyars. long called carantanian or carinthian march ruled margravial dynasty called otakars originated steyr in upper austria giving land name: steiermark . march raised become duchy emperor frederick barbarossa in 1180 after fall of henry lion of bavaria.
with death of ottokar first line of rulers of styria became extinct; region fell successively babenberg family, rulers of austria, stipulated in georgenberg pact; after extinction control of hungary (1254–60); king ottokar of bohemia; in 1276 habsburgs, provided habsburgs styrian dukes during years 1379-1439 , 1564-1619.
at time of ottoman invasions in 16th , 17th centuries land suffered severely , depopulated. turks made incursions styria twenty times; churches, monasteries, cities, , villages destroyed , plundered, while population either killed or carried away slavery.
modern era
historical view of border between styria , carinthia, 1830
the semmering railway, completed in 1854, triumph of engineering in time, oldest of great european mountain railways. remarkable numerous , long tunnels , viaducts spanning mountain valleys, running gloggnitz in lower austria mürzzuschlag in styria, , passing through exceedingly beautiful scenery. railway brought tourists alpine lake resorts , mineral springs @ rohitsch (today s rogaška slatina) , bad gleichenberg, brine springs of bad aussee, , thermal springs of tuffer (today s laško), neuhaus klausenbach , tobelbad.
following world war i, styria divided treaty of saint germain. lower styria cities of celje , maribor became part of kingdom of serbs, croats , slovenes, while rest remained austria state of styria. other in carinthia, no fighting resulted this, in spite of german minority in slovenia (the larger cities of lower styria largely german-speaking).
lower styria reattached reichsgau steiermark 1942 1945, whence returned germany. after world war ii, styria became part of british occupation zone austria. lower third granted yugoslavia , today, makes eastern third of slovenia.
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