References Washington quarter

books , reports

bowers, q. david (2006). guide book of washington , state quarters. atlanta, ga.: whitman publishing. isbn 978-0-7948-2059-6. 
breen, walter (1988). walter breen s complete encyclopedia of u.s. , colonial coins. new york, n.y.: doubleday. isbn 978-0-385-14207-6. 
cadou, carol borchert (2006). george washington collection: fine , decorative arts @ mount vernon. mount vernon ladies association of union. manchester, vt.: hudson hills press. isbn 978-1-55595-268-6. 
coin world almanac (3rd ed.). sidney, ohio: amos press. 1977. asin b004ab7c9m. 
ganz, david l. (1976). 14 bits: story of america s bicentennial coinage. washington, d.c.: 3 continents press. isbn 978-0-914478-63-8. 
guth, ron; garrett, jeff (2005). united states coinage: study type. atlanta, ga.: whitman publishing. isbn 978-0-7948-1782-4. 
taxay, don (1983) [1966]. u.s. mint , coinage (reprint ed.). new york, n.y.: sanford j. durst numismatic publications. isbn 978-0-915262-68-7. 
united states mint (c. 2009). 50 states quarters report (pdf). united states mint financial department. archived original (pdf) on march 10, 2016. retrieved october 18, 2011. 
vermeule, cornelius (1971). numismatic art in america. cambridge, mass.: belknap press of harvard university press. isbn 978-0-674-62840-3. 
yeoman, r.s. (2014). guide book of united states coins (68th ed.). atlanta, ga.: whitman publishing. isbn 978-0-7948-4215-4. 

news , other sources

bardes, herbert c. (september 13, 1964). treasury go ahead on 64 date freeze . new york times. p. x32. retrieved february 13, 2012.  (subscription required)
bardes, herbert c. (november 22, 1964). turmoil in capital . new york times. p. x26. retrieved february 13, 2012.  (subscription required)
bardes, herbert c. (july 17, 1966). 1966 date begins aug. 1 . new york times. p. 96. retrieved february 13, 2012.  (subscription required)
dale, edwin l. jr. (june 4, 1965). president asks quarters , dimes without silver . new york times. p. 1. retrieved february 13, 2012.  (subscription required)
ganz, david l. (december 20, 2007). quarter program adds territories . iola, wisconsin: f+w publications. retrieved february 13, 2012. 
gilkes, paul (march 12, 2012). mint touts cost savings in .999 silver switch . coin world. pp. 1, 52, 56. 
gilkes, paul (may 21, 2012). san francisco mint strikes circulation-quality quarters . coin world. retrieved may 21, 2012. 
reiter, ed (july 8, 1979). bicentennial hangover . new york times. p. d38. retrieved february 13, 2012.  (subscription required)
webster, daniel (october 26, 1986). gold eagle coming . blade. toledo, ohio. knight news service. p. f-8. retrieved february 13, 2012.  (subscription required)
eagle on new quarter defended expert bald, not golden . new york times. august 21, 1932. p. 2. retrieved february 13, 2012.  (subscription required)
coin bill approved senate , sent white house . new york times. july 15, 1965. p. 1. retrieved february 13, 2012.  (subscription required)
quarter series starts in 2010 . numismatic news. iola, wisc.: f+w publications. september 10, 2009. retrieved february 13, 2012. 
george washington on new silver quarter . reading eagle. reading, pa. july 10, 1932. p. 12. retrieved february 13, 2012. 
don t quote me . san jose news. july 9, 1932. p. 7. retrieved february 13, 2012. 
new washington quarters in circulation here . star , sentinel. gettysburg, pa. august 6, 1932. p. 1. retrieved february 13, 2012. 
2009 district of columbia , u.s. territories quarters program . united states mint. retrieved february 13, 2012. 
united states mint unveils first 5 coins in america beautiful™ quarters program (press release). united states mint. march 24, 2010. retrieved february 13, 2012. 


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