Corporate Subdivisions Polish State Railways
1 corporate subdivisions
1.1 pkp intercity
1.2 pkp cargo
1.3 pkp szybka kolej miejska
1.4 pkp linia hutnicza szerokotorowa
corporate subdivisions
pkp intercity
intercity- , eurocity- connections in poland, 2007
a pkp intercity ed250 new pendolino @ wrocław main station
pkp intercity semi-independent division of pkp operates long-distance passenger trains in poland. founded in 2001 when, in preparation joining european union, polish state railways reorganised number of independent operating companies under unified direction of pkp group.
pkp intercity operates intercity trains in poland of country s eurocity services throughout europe. although competition rising in long-distance rail travel market in poland, pkp intercity still holds de facto monopoly in industry, current market share represents 100% of segment.
pkp intercity s trains (2015) operate under following brands:
express intercity premium (eip) - pendolino high-speed trains
eurocity (ec): international trains operate major routes , require reservation
express intercity (eic) - introduced in 2009, result train category ex phased out
intercity (ic) - intercity trains
twoje linie kolejowe (tlk) - low cost, intercity trains
intercitybus (icbus)- intercity coach services
pkp cargo
a pkp cargo locomotive
pkp cargo (wse: pkp), founded in 2001 satisfy european court ruling on required restructuring of polish state railways prior joining eu, pkp group company responsible freight transport operations. largest railway cargo carrier in poland, , second largest in european union. company founded after dividing polskie koleje państwowe (all-national rail operator) several dozens companies meet european union standards.
pkp cargo owned pkp s.a. (50% + 1 share) , private investors.
pkp szybka kolej miejska
a railway transportation service functioned in poland s tricity area (gdynia, sopot , gdańsk). system has since grown cover longer route, reaching towns słupsk, lębork , wejherowo.
it serviced electric multiple unit cars @ frequency of 6 minutes half hour between trains (depending on time of day). comparable subway service or light rail in other european cities. tricity area uniquely suited mode of transport, s shaped in relatively narrow north-south corridor between gdańsk bay , tricity landscape park.
pkp linia hutnicza szerokotorowa
pkp lhs company of pkp group responsible infrastructure operation , freight transport on broad gauge metallurgy line. line runs 400 km polish-ukrainian border in izow-hrubieszów sławków południowy (near katowice).
the line opened in 1979 , used import iron ore ussr, export coal , sulphur poland. after fall of communism , economic changes of 1989 traffic on line has diminished. @ present various schemes being tried increase profitability.
this line runs single track line 400 km, polish-ukrainian border crossing east of hrubieszów sławków południowy (near katowice). used freight traffic, iron ore , coal. westernmost broad gauge railway line in europe connected broad gauge rail system of countries before 1991 constituted soviet union.
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