Interactions Clarithromycin

1 interactions

1.1 colchicine
1.2 statins
1.3 calcium channel blockers
1.4 carbamazepine
1.5 hiv medications


clarithromycin inhibits liver enzyme, cyp3a4, involved in metabolism of many other commonly prescribed drugs. taking clarithromycin other medications metabolized cyp3a4 may lead unexpected increases or decreases in drug levels.

a few of common interactions listed below.


clarithromycin has been observed have dangerous interaction colchicine result of inhibition of cyp3a4 metabolism , p-glycoprotein transport. combining these 2 drugs may lead fatal colchicine toxicity, particularly in patients renal insufficiency.


taking clarithromycin concurrently statins (a class of drugs used reduce blood serum cholesterol levels) increases risk of side effects, such muscle aches , muscle break down (rhabdomyolysis).

calcium channel blockers

concurrent therapy calcium channel blocker may increase risk of low blood pressure, kidney failure, , death, compared pairing calcium channel blockers azithromycin, drug similar clarithromycin without cyp3a4 inhibition. administration of clarithromycin in combination verapamil have been observed cause low blood pressure, low heart rate, , lactic acidosis.


clarithromycin may double level of carbamazepine in body reducing clearance, may lead toxic symptoms of carbamazepine, such double vision, loss of body movement, nausea, hyponatremia.

hiv medications

depending on combination of medications, clarithromycin therapy contraindicated, require changing doses of medications, or acceptable without dose adjustments. example, clarithromycin may lead decreased zidovudine concentrations.


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