Classical Variation: 6.Be2 Sicilian Defence, Scheveningen Variation

another popular variation classical (also known maroczy variation) initiated 6. be2. used great effect anatoly karpov, among other distinguished grandmasters, methodical approach has gained many followers. main line continues 6... a6 7. 0-0 be7 8. be3 0-0 9. f4 qc7 10. a4 nc6 11. kh1 re8 12. bf3 (diagram) reaching 1 of main tabiyas of classical scheveningen . white s plans here build kingside attack, typically means of g2–g4–g5, qd1–e1–h4, bg2, qh5, rf3–h3, etc. black aim diversion on queenside via semi-open c-file, or strike in centre. positional pawn sacrifices abound both sides , theory highly developed, decades of research elite players such garry kasparov, vasily smyslov, anatoly karpov, viswanathan anand, veselin topalov, boris gelfand , many others.


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