Production Florence Foster Jenkins (film)

1 production

1.1 development
1.2 casting
1.3 filming


prior reading nicholas martin penned script, frears did not have knowledge jenkins beyond portrayal of in west end play glorious! peter quilter, on strength of script, frears became interested , did research watching various youtube videos of her. upon watching videos frears noted you’re laughing , touches you. it’s inherently ridiculous , courageous @ same time. likewise both , streep determined despite subject matter audience side florence.

frears himself did not envision streep in role, after name brought frears agreed, noting thought fresh her. streep worked singing coach prepare role of jenkins. frears praised performance stating can sing badly if singer.


on 27 march 2015, simon helberg set play cosmé mcmoon, pianist , accompanist jenkins. rebecca ferguson added cast on 1 april 2015. on 13 april 2015, nina arianda joined film play agnes stark, showgirl struggling move high society of husband.


principal photography on film began in may 2015 in london. pathé released first-look photo on 22 may, featuring streep , grant jenkins , bayfield, respectively. filming done in hoylake , liverpool city centre.

on 15 june, grant , ferguson spotted filming in resort in new brighton, merseyside. filming took place in liverpool , city transformed 1940s new york city, liverpool s drury lane being turned central park west, streep , grant spotted filming in june 2015. production concluded on 20 july 2015.


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