Overview Eurobalise

1 overview

1.1 fixed data balise
1.2 transparent data balise
1.3 euroloop


a balise typically needs no power source. in response radio frequency energy broadcast balise transmission module (de) (btm) mounted under passing train, balise transmits information train ( uplink ). provisions eurobalises receive information train ( downlink ) has been removed specification. transmission rate sufficient transmit @ least 3 copies of telegram received train passing @ speed 500 km/h.

balises on orivesi-jyväskylä railway in muurame, finland

eurobalises typically placed in pairs on 2 sleepers in center of track. etcs typically spaced 3 metres apart. balises being numbered train know whether travels in nominal (1→2) or reverse direction (2→1). singular balises exist when linked previous balise group or when function reduced provide exact position. there may 8 balises in balise group.

balises differentiated being either fixed data balise transmitting same data every train, or transparent data balise transmits variable data, called switchable or controllable balise . (note word fixed refers information transmitted balise, not physical location. balises immobile).

fixed data balise

a fixed data balise , or short fixed balise programmed transmit same data every train. information transmitted fixed balise typically includes: location of balise; geometry of line, such curves , gradients; , speed restrictions. programming performed using wireless programming device. fixed balise can notify train of exact location, , distance next signal, , can warn of speed restrictions.

transparent data balise

a transparent data balise , or short controllable balise connected lineside electronics unit (leu), transmits dynamic data train, such signal indications. balises forming part of etcs level 1 signalling system employ capability. leu integrates conventional (national) signal system either connecting lineside railway signal or signalling control tower.


a balise transmits telegrams @ specific site. allow continuous transmission telegrams may sent along leaky feeder cable being 1000 metres long. euroloop cable connected balise @ end serves end of loop marker (eolm). telegram structure same balise connected to. euroloop used same frequency eurobalises changed specification 2.0.1 in september 2004. euroloops had been used in switzerland completed change in july 2010.


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