Controversies and criticisms Armenian Apostolic Church

 —stepan danielyan, scholar on religion, 2013

in independent armenia, armenian apostolic church has been criticized perceived support of government despite formal separation of church , state in armenia. according former prime minister hrant bagratyan religion , state management have gotten mixed . called church untouchable organization secretive of income , expenditure. large-scale construction of new churches in independence period , negligence of endangered historic churches apostolic church (and government) have been criticized.

in recent years, several high-profile leaders of church have been involved in controversies. in 2013 navasard ktchoyan, archbishop of araratian diocese , prime minister tigran sargsyan alleged have been partners businessman charged laundering us$10.7 million bank loan , depositing of in accounts controlled in cyprus. in 2011 revealed ktchoyan drives bentley (valued @ $180,000-$280,000). pointing out 34% poverty rate in armenia, asbarez editor ara khachatourian called nothing blasphemy . added archbishop kchoyan s reckless disregard , attitude more unacceptable due position in armenian church.

in october 2013 father asoghik karapetyan, director of museum of mother see of holy etchmiadzin, stated on television atheist armenian not true armenian . spokesperson armenian apostolic church stated personal view. statement received considerable criticism, though asoghik did not retract statement. in editorial in liberal aravot daily aram abrahamyan suggested religious identity should not equated national (ethnic) identity , every individual decide whether armenian or not, regardless of religion.


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