Biography Alfred Henry Forrester

christmas yule log , illustrated london news,1848

undated illustration alfred crowquill

alfred forrester son of robert forrester of 5 north gate, royal exchange, london, public notary. discovered aptitude literary , artistic pursuits age, , associated writing periodical publications, including colburn s new monthly, bentley, , punch magazine. wrote short tales, songs, children s stories, , occasional burlesques. draw , worked on wood, etchings , caricatures using pen , ink, specialising in anthropomorphic animals, illustrating stories brother charles robert forrester (1803–1850) wrote under pseudonym of hal willis.

he made several popular ceramics of contemporary subjects, including memorial of great exhibition of 1851 , statuette of wellington bear. illustrated plays children in dean & son s series, little plays little people. in 1854 julia corner wrote play children based around beauty , beast fairy story illustrated forrester working under name of alfred crowquill.

he buried @ west norwood cemetery.


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