Career Jay Barbree

vanguard exploded within seconds of launch on december 6, 1957.

barbree interested in space program, paid own ticket cape canaveral, florida in 1957, , watched attempted vanguard launch. failed launch 1 barbree never forget: there s ignition. can see flames, barbree reported. vanguard s engine lit , s burning. wait... wait moment, there s... there s no liftoff! appears crumbling in own fire... s burning on pad... vanguard has crumbled flames. failed ladies , gentlemen, vanguard has failed.

early next year, returned , witnessed successful launch of explorer 1 on january 31, 1958, while calling in reports walb. eventually, barbree hired radio station wezy in cocoa beach, , worked traffic reporter, covering space program well.

six months later, barbree joined nbc part-time space program reporter, moving full-time. on years, barbree had been offered opportunity move washington, d.c., or new york city, turned down every offer, preferring stay , report on had become passion, spaceflight.

job … have be, whether or not, member of space family.

in 1958, while in restroom, barbree overheard general , nasa official, talking upcoming launch called project score , 1 of earliest american satellites. become 1 of barbree s many scoops , when after bit of digging, found president dwight d. eisenhower use satellite broadcast pre-recorded christmas message outer space. when score launched in 1958, barbree broadcast story, knowing military not deny once satellite in space.

in days of space program, astronauts , reporters socialize in cocoa beach, , had different relationship today. barbree described relationship astronauts friend , confidant, going out dinner them, or socializing when astronauts in town. in book, barbree writes in 1961 alan shepard told him off record fact: going first american astronaut in space. barbree noted if report this, not jeopardize friendships, possibly career well, said nothing. barbree recounts conversation gus grissom astronaut’s concerns regarding apollo not long before fatal apollo 1 fire. barbree s association astronauts had unexpected bonuses well, neil armstrong carried gold coin moon on apollo 11 barbree, , pete conrad flew several flags , patches on apollo 12, barbree later handed out friends.

in 1980s, when nasa developed teacher in space program, similar program developed, journalist in space program. barbree 1 of forty finalists selected journalist in space. both teacher , journalist programs discontinued after space shuttle challenger disaster.

in 1986, following space shuttle challenger accident, barbree placed telephone call friend , retired employee of nasa, who—as favor barbree—went kennedy space center, looked on accident information , analysis being done, , later reported findings barbree. consequently, barbree first journalist report on source of destruction of space shuttle challenger: faulty o-rings. part of nbc news space unit won emmy award nbc s coverage of apollo 11 moon landing. following space shuttle columbia accident, barbree first reporter break news of internal nasa memo expressing concerns foam striking orbiter s left wing during ascent.

in 1995, nasa awarded him recognition being journalist known have covered 100 flights . among present ceremony several nasa officials, alan shepard, , shuttle commander robert l. gibson.

in 2011, barbree honored space foundation recipient of douglas s. morrow public outreach award in recognition of role played in shaping way nation views , understands space.

at age seventy-seven, barbree 1 of longest-serving network correspondents work continuously on single subject. started working nbc on july 21, 1958 covering space program, , continues in capacity present. has never missed mission launch, despite suffering heart attack while jogging along cocoa beach in 1987, , being declared clinically dead several minutes. following heart attack, had bypass surgery, , still did not miss launches.

barbree covers shuttle program , space missions cable network msnbc, , nbc s news reports covering missions. contract nbc runs through 2010, allowing him complete coverage of entire space shuttle program, , has expressed hope there return moon missions.

career author

barbree author or coauthor of 7 books, including 2 memoirs. in 1993, shepard, fellow mercury astronaut deke slayton, journalist howard benedict, , barbree collaborated write book moon shot. slayton participant in name , died before book completed.

barbree s recent book, live cape canaveral: covering space race, sputnik today , released on august 28, 2007, coincide 50th anniversary of spaceflight, began sputnik 1 launch on october 4, 1957. foreword written tom brokaw. barbree s book attempts illustrate how media has changed in coverage of space programs, enthusiasm relative disinterest in program today. barbree says wrote book because looked on career, when recalling people d worked with, few left. barbree claims told himself, re 1 has covered whole program going way beginning, , if don t tell story, going it? received poor reviews space historians.

barbree collaborated martin caidin on number of non-fiction works, such destination mars: in art, myth , science (penguin, 1997, isbn 978-0-670-86020-3) , journey through time: exploring universe hubble space telescope (penguin, 1995, isbn 0-670-86018-2). barbree wrote novelization of pilot error , episode of 6 million dollar man, television series based upon caidin s novel cyborg (warner, 1975, isbn 0-446-76835-9).

over years, barbree has stated has stayed away sensationalizing space program, or associated it, , commented not put items considered harmful newest book, stating whole idea of book not hurt somebody. barbree attempts illustrate in memoir telling of private investigator approached him audio tape allegedly contained proof of extramarital affair involving astronaut. barbree told investigator speak superiors, proceeded erase tape.


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