Invitation by the Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel Mahmoud Hosseini Zad

mahmoud hosseini zad in discussion circle in centre dürrenmatt neuchâtel

in april 2015, centre dürrenmatt neuchâtel organized reading , discussion circle mahmoud hosseini zad part of printemps culturel. spoke dürrenmatt s popularity in iran, own activities translator , read translations. said dürrenmatt s works in interview schweizer radio und fernsehen:

dürrenmatt famous , popular pessimist philosopher, has ironical bitter life...the government of iran has talent interpret in own way. in dürrenmatt, sees critic of western capitalism, when writes atomic bomb. dürrenmatt criticize west. government , censorship agency consider dürrenmatt s works criticism of west, criticism of capitalism.... these wicked , fighting wicked. these dürrenmatt s themes. humans , history , philosophy. these in dürrenmatt s works, iranians fascinated dürrenmatt s philosophical aspect. iranians love philosophy

hosseini zad said censorship in iran:

the limits of censorship not clear in iran. have unfortunately censorship agency or control agency. give no catalogs or lists @ translators allowed , not allowed. have no control on these controls... when bring book control agency, don t know, whether allowed or not allowed published. example words sexuality or eroticism. maybe seems funny, these words in first priority of censorship, political words in second priority. after on third place come words alcohol drinks.

in interview deutschlandfunk kultur, said sort of censorship lifting in rouhani s era:

well, can give example: publisher, publishes translations, had 70 forbidden books in ahmadinezhad s era, according recent informations number of forbidden books has been reduced 10 or 13. censorship lifting.

– mahmoud hosseini zad: deutschlandfunk kultur said cultural policy changes after ahmadinejad:

there movements. simple example publisher of translations in ahmadinejad s regime had 17 totally forbidden works. these works didn t receive publish permissions nowadays there freedom , hope, there gap , hope removed soon.


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