Prehistory History of Germany
the steinheim skull @ least 250,000 years old
the discovery of mauer 1 mandible in 1907 shows ancient humans present in germany @ least 600,000 years ago. oldest complete hunting weapons ever found anywhere in world discovered in coal mine in schoningen, germany in 1995 3 380,000-year-old wooden javelins 6-7.5 feet (1.8-2.3 meter) long unearthed. neander valley in germany location first ever non-modern human fossil discovered , recognised in 1856; new species of human named neanderthal man. neanderthal 1 fossils known 40,000 years old. @ similar age, evidence of modern humans has been found in caves in swabian jura near ulm. finds include 42,000-year-old bird bone , mammoth ivory flutes oldest musical instruments ever found, 40,000-year-old ice age löwenmensch figurine oldest uncontested figurative art ever discovered, , 35,000-year-old venus of hohle fels oldest uncontested human figurative art ever discovered.
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