Highlands traditions Architecture of Madagascar

in highlands of imerina, above-ground entrances of ancient tombs marked standing stones , walls formed of loosely stacked flat stones. examples of these ancient tombs can found @ of twelve sacred hills of imerina. body not able retrieved burial (as in times of war), tall, unmarked standing stone (vatolahy, or male stone ) traditionally erected in memory of deceased. andrianampoinimerina promoted more elaborate , costly tomb construction worthy expense honoring 1 s ancestors. declared highest merina andriana (noble) sub-castes enjoy privilege of constructing small house on top of tomb distinguish them tombs of lower castes. 2 highest andriana sub-castes, zanakandriana , zazamarolahy, built tomb houses called trano masina ( sacred house ), while tomb houses of andriamasinavalona called trano manara ( cold house ). these houses identical standard wooden nobles houses except fact had no windows , no hearth. while lamba-wrapped remains laid rest on stone slabs in tomb below, deceased s valuable possessions such gold , silver coins, elegant silk lambas, decorative objects , more placed in trano masina or trano manara, decorated regular room comfortable furniture , refreshments such rum , water deceased s spirit enjoy. trano masina of king radama i, burned other structures in 1995 fire @ rova palace compound in antananarivo, said richest known.

today, tombs may constructed using traditional methods , materials or incorporate modern innovations such concrete. inside, superimposed slabs of stone or concrete line walls. bodies of ancestors of individual family wrapped in silk shrouds , laid sleep on these slabs. among merina, betsileo , tsihanaka, remains periodically removed famadihana, celebration in honor of ancestors, wherein remains re-wrapped in fresh shrouds amid extravagant communal festivities before being once again laid rest in tomb. significant expense associated tomb construction, funerals , reburial ceremonies honors ancestors counters emergence of unequal wealth distribution in traditional communities.

mahafaly tomb traditional painted decoration


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