History Premium Processing Service

1 history

1.1 form category , fee changes
1.2 suspension of premium processing service h-1b petitions starting april 3, 2017
1.3 pre-announced delays processing cap-subject petitions
1.4 other suspensions of premium processing service

form category , fee changes

the premium processing service began service $1000 fee form i-129 petition categories in 2001. activated majority of categories on june 1, , rest on july 30. fee introduced , collected immigration , naturalization service (ins), predecessor uscis, , introduction purely administrative decision ins rather result of immigration legislation.

on may 23, 2006, uscis announced roll out premium processing service form i-140 visa categories. rollout continued through 2006. premium processing reinstated form i-140 petitions in 2009.

in november 2010, premium processing service fee hiked $1000 $1225 part of general change fee schedule uscis forms. change become effective in 2011.

suspension of premium processing service h-1b petitions starting april 3, 2017

on friday, march 3, 2017, uscis announced starting monday, april 3, 2017, premium processing suspended h-1b petitions, , suspension last 6 months. april 3, 2017 earliest date h-1b petitions fiscal year 2018 can submitted, none of these petitions eligible premium processing. these petitions eligible discretionary expedite requests, subject usual restrictions placed such requests. commentators discussed suspension in context of efforts administration of newly elected president donald trump change regulations , procedures surrounding immigration, legislation under discussion alter working of h-1b program.

pre-announced delays processing cap-subject petitions

starting march 2013, uscis has announced delayed start date start 15-day counter premium processing cap-subject petitions h-1b visa. has been done in anticipation of huge load of applications , need prioritize data collection applications. in other words, applicants requested premium processing service should expect response within 15 days of delayed start date rather within 15 days of uscis receiving application.

other suspensions of premium processing service

in addition annual suspension of premium processing service cap-subject petitions described above, uscis has temporarily suspended premium processing service other types of applications in order preserve resources other kinds of increased caseloads. instance, in anticipation of increased caseloads due employment authorization h-4 spouses final rule, uscis suspended premium processing service h-1b extension of stay petitions in cap-subject categories period may 26 july 27, 2015. had applied premium processing service before may 26 still receive it.

in other cases, uscis has suspended premium processing of petitions in categories rules have been in flux. recently, uscis suspended processing of h-2b petitions starting march 5, 2015, following ruling united states district court northern district of florida in perez v. perez. on march 18, district court granted motion united states department of labor resume issuance of temporary labor certifications h-2b program, uscis resumed processing h-2b petitions, kept premium processing suspended. on april 17, 2015, uscis announced resuming premium processing h-2b petitions starting april 20, 2015.


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