Air attacks HNoMS Æger (1936)

colt mg52 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun on destroyer sleipner

a short while after sinking of roda luftwaffe aircraft started appearing overhead. @ 08:30 first 3 of in total ten luftwaffe junkers ju 88 bombers iii/kampfgeschwader 4 began attacking Æger @ low altitude.

responding single 40 mm bofors gun , 2 12.7 mm colt anti-aircraft machine guns Æger claimed 2 of attacking bombers shot down while zig-zagging avoid stacks of bombs being unleashed @ her. however, while trying avoid attack 3 aircraft different directions Æger hit amidships 250 kg bomb, tearing deck of destroyer , blowing out sides of ship.

seven crew members killed outright, 1 mortally , 3 lightly wounded, ship being left dead in water. 3 of dead officers , 5 enlisted men. 7 more german aircraft continued attack crippled destroyer bomb hit mast, leaving bent out of shape bouncing off sea without exploding. yet bomb hit side of ship midship, stuck without exploding. time attacking aircraft pelting crippled vessel machine guns.

as of ship s anti-aircraft weapons knocked out, captain bruun ordered crew abandon ship. entire surviving crew managed ashore without further casualties.


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