Notable recipients Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana

1 notable recipients

1.1 recipients of collar

1.1.1 estonian presidents
1.1.2 foreign heads of state

1.2 recipients of first class

1.2.1 former foreign heads of state , government
1.2.2 consorts of foreign heads of state , royalties
1.2.3 presidents of parliament, prime ministers, foreign ministers, ambassadors , other high officials
1.2.4 high personalities

1.3 recipients of fourth class

notable recipients
recipients of collar

the recipients are :

estonian presidents

president lennart meri (1992–2001), 10.09.1995 (serie 5 – n° ?)
president arnold rüütel (2001–2006), 08.10.2001 (serie 270 – n° 1138)
president toomas hendrik ilves (2006–incumbent), 09.10.2006 (serie 692 – n° 1071)

foreign heads of state

recipients of first class

the recipients are :

former foreign heads of state , government

these decorations awarded targeted reasons :

consorts of foreign heads of state , royalties

presidents of parliament, prime ministers, foreign ministers, ambassadors , other high officials

high personalities

recipients of fourth class

robert fripp, 2008

^ bearers of decorations: maarjamaa risti ketiklassi teenetemärk . retrieved 2 october 2013. 
^ bearers of decorations: maarjamaa risti ketiklassi teenetemärk . retrieved 2 october 2013. 
^ bearers of decorations: maarjamaa risti ketiklassi teenetemärk . retrieved 2 october 2013. 
^ bearers of decorations: maarjamaa risti ketiklassi teenetemärk . retrieved 2 october 2013. 
^ estonian presidency, recipients first class (maarjamaa risti klassi teenetemärk). retrieved 03 october 2013
^ listing robert fripp (2008)


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