Other variations Sicilian Defence, Scheveningen Variation

1 other variations

1.1 fischer–sozin attack: 6.bc4
1.2 tal variation: 6.f4
1.3 minor lines

other variations
fischer–sozin attack: 6.bc4

with fischer–sozin attack 6. bc4, white tries pressure d5-square directly. viable black responses in centre include variations of nb8–c6–a5 or nb8–d7–c5, supplemented a7–a6 , b7–b5–b4 on queenside. possible line 6...be7 7.bb3 0-0 8.be3 na6 (aiming c5-square; note in case 8...nbd7, 9.bxe6!? fxe6 10.nxe6 qa5 11.nxf8 bxf8, , white sacrifices 2 pieces rook) 9.qe2 nc5 10.f3. ensuing position balanced, black ready counter white s g2–g4–g5 a7–a6 , b7–b5–b4 on other flank.

tal variation: 6.f4

after 6. f4, in 1 of main lines, 6... nc6 7. be3 be7 8. qf3, white seeks castle queenside placing rook on half-open d-file, , support g-pawn s advance queen.

minor lines

6. g3; 6. bb5, etc. these moves less difficult meet , not theoretically challenging black.


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