Sculpture Roman Empire
examples of roman sculpture survive abundantly, though in damaged or fragmentary condition, including freestanding statues , statuettes in marble, bronze , terracotta, , reliefs public buildings, temples, , monuments such ara pacis, trajan s column, , arch of titus. niches in amphitheatres such colosseum filled statues, , no formal garden complete without statuary.
temples housed cult images of deities, famed sculptors. religiosity of romans encouraged production of decorated altars, small representations of deities household shrine or votive offerings, , other pieces dedicating @ temples. divine , mythological figures given secular, humorous, , obscene depictions.
on ludovisi sarcophagus, example of battle scenes favoured during crisis of third century, writhing , highly emotive romans , goths fill surface in packed, anti-classical composition
elaborately carved marble , limestone sarcophagi characteristic of 2nd 4th centuries @ least 10,000 examples surviving. although mythological scenes have been studied, sarcophagus relief has been called richest single source of roman iconography, , may depict deceased s occupation or life course, military scenes, , other subject matter. same workshops produced sarcophagi jewish or christian imagery.
the primavera of stabiae, perhaps goddess flora
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