Status in 2006.2F08 Islamic Republic of Iran Army Ground Forces

iria soldiers marching in formation

regular army.. has number of independent brigades , groups, though there no reliable data on size , number of these smaller independent formations. these include 1 logistics brigade, infantry brigade, airborne brigade, special forces (takavar) brigades, , 5 artillery brigades/regiments. there coastal defence units, growing number of air defence groups, between 4 , 6 army aviation units, , growing number of logistics , supply formations.
there variety of other reports of doubtful veracity. sources claim small light formations in regular army include airmobile forces group created after iran–iraq war. formation said include 29th special forces division, formed in 1993-1994, , 55th paratroop division. other sources claim commando forces of regular army , irgc integrated corps of 30,000 soldiers, integrated helicopter lift , air assault capabilities. these airborne , special forces troops said train @ shiraz.

many of these assessments appear copyright violations research conducted burke chair in strategy @ center strategic , international studies, washington dc, example, updated military balance report dated 2012.

most soldiers of iranian army trained , determined, equipment outdated or obsolete. use outdated western-style equipment or newer, locally produced equipment, lower quality. commanders appoint men high level positions based on loyalty, rather military skills.

since 2010 iranian army has undergone reorganization process called thamen alaeme general structure plan (طرح جامع ساختاری ثامن الائمه), plan includes transformation division-centered model towards brigade-centered model, re-positioning of army bases, adding of new units , increase in mobility of existing army units. effect, has sheered off brigades existing divisions establishing new brigades alongside of them. march 2012 31 new independent brigades have been established throughout army.

the commander of iranian army s ground forces brigadier general ahmad-reza pourdastan.


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