Traditions Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket Marching Band

1 traditions

1.1 rat rules
1.2 rat parents
1.3 alumni band
1.4 cross-register


georgia tech rat cap inscription diagram.

rat rules

every year, number of freshmen, notably in marching band, wear gold caps known rat caps @ each football game. rat short recruit @ tech, although freshmen addressed rats, or recruits @ tech , cited acquired tech student not true meaning. rat caps decorated football team s scores, freshman s name, hometown, major, expected graduation date, , hell georgia emblazoned on of cap. freshmen, or rats, in band expected wear rat caps during official band functions, including rehearsals , football games.

rat parents

the original duty of rat parents haze freshman members of band , enforce rat rules. modern role of rat parents welcome freshman band members, teach them georgia tech , band traditions, them adjust life @ tech , in band , act friend , advisor them. in days of tradition, there rat mom, male band member. since mid-1980s, there has been both rat mom , rat dad, latter of female band member. until 1990, selection of rat parents informal. 1990 1993, rat parents selected band s executive board, partly keep decision in hands of students. when executive board dissolved in 1993, selection made director of bands following interview process. new rat parents announced along new drum majors upcoming year.

alumni band

founded in 1979, alumni band s mission connect gt band alumni current gt band activities , support gt band. of alumni band s activities center around homecoming. plays along current marching band in stands , on field @ homecoming games. alumni band involved forthcoming publication of book history of georgia tech band, slated release in fall of 2008 in celebration of band s centennial.


through cross-registration program in georgia board of regents, students of other colleges , universities without similar music programs allowed march in georgia tech s marching band. students agnes scott college, atlanta college of art, clark atlanta university, clayton college & state university, columbia theological seminary, emory university, georgia institute of technology, institute of paper science & technology, interdenominational theological center, kennesaw state university, mercer university atlanta, morehouse college, morehouse school of medicine, morris brown college, oglethorpe university, southern polytechnic state university, , spelman college able march in georgia tech s marching band after successful audition process.

with inauguration of georgia state marching band in 2010, marching band no longer accepts new wind or percussion cross-registration students. students had marched in georgia tech marching band allowed continue, pending successful audition process.


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