Stem Duchies and Marches History of Germany
stem duchies (tribal duchies) in germany originated areas of germanic tribes of given region. concept of such duchies survived in areas in mid-9th century become part of east francia (for example: bavaria, swabia, saxony, franconia, thuringia) rather further west in middle francia (for example: burgundy, lorraine ). in 5th century, völkerwanderung (or germanic migrations) brought number of barbarian tribes failing roman empire. tribes became stem duchies alamanni, thuringii, saxons, franks, burgundians, , rugii. in contrast later duchies, these entities did not have strictly delineated administrative boundaries, approximated area of settlement of major germanic tribes. on next few centuries, tribes warred, migrated, , merged. franks subjugated these tribes in germania. however, remnants of several stem duchies survive today states or regions in modern western europe countries: german states such bavaria , saxony, german regions swabia, , french régions such of burgundy/franche-comté ...