Literature Roman Empire
statue in constanța, romania (the ancient colony tomis), commemorating ovid s exile in traditional literary canon, literature under augustus, along of late republic, has been viewed golden age of latin literature, embodying classical ideals of unity of whole, proportion of parts, , careful articulation of apparently seamless composition. 3 influential classical latin poets—vergil, horace, , ovid—belong period. vergil wrote aeneid, creating national epic rome in manner of homeric epics of greece. horace perfected use of greek lyric metres in latin verse. ovid s erotic poetry enormously popular, ran afoul of augustan moral programme; 1 of ostensible causes emperor exiled him tomis (present-day constanța, romania), remained end of life. ovid s metamorphoses continuous poem of fifteen books weaving greco-roman mythology creation of universe deification of julius caesar. ovid s versions of greek myths became 1 of primary sources of later classical mythology, , work influential in middle...