The Syndicate List of Et Cetera characters
1 syndicate 1.1 bokassy 1.2 gordy 1.3 blush 1.4 cavanaugh p. script 1.5 futura 1.6 bearded ina 1.7 gothic the syndicate bokassy bokassy information broker , member of syndicate. baskerville goes him information on eto gun. baskerville knows bokassy bokassy doesn’t recognize him until later on. when bokassy finds out eto gun in town, tries have baskerville , benkate murdered gain access gun, fails. tells alternate gun, calling him master alternate , indicating kind of superior-subordinate relationship him, though alternate isn’t syndicate. bokassy disappears , dead after falling off runaway train. gordy gordy member of syndicate digs gold mine in mountain fino’s tribe regards sacred. ruthless , mean, towards alternate, own son. territorial attack comes close mine. tall , muscular man, gordy greedy , wears lot of gold jewelry, armor made of gold under clothes. concept art gordy showed him shorter , more slender, nakazaki admitted liked drawing buff guys , , gordy s final design muscula...