Legal status Roman Empire
1 legal status 1.1 women in roman law 1.2 slaves , law 1.3 freedmen legal status according jurist gaius, essential distinction in roman law of persons human beings either free (liberi) or slaves (servi). legal status of free persons might further defined citizenship. citizens held limited rights (such ius latinum, latin right ), entitled legal protections , privileges not enjoyed lacked citizenship. free people not considered citizens, living within roman world, held status peregrini, non-romans. in 212 ad, means of edict known constitutio antoniniana, emperor caracalla extended citizenship freeborn inhabitants of empire. legal egalitarianism have required far-reaching revision of existing laws had distinguished between citizens , non-citizens. women in roman law freeborn roman women considered citizens throughout republic , empire, did not vote, hold political office, or serve in military. mother s citizen status determined of children, indicated phrase ex duobus civibus romanis na...